Releases Tags
1.0 - First working System Pre-Release
released this 4 years ago | 0 commits to master since this release
Crafting LinkedBeaconTeleporters:
- Place 2 Beacons in a crafting-field
Resetting LinkedBeaconTeleporters to normal Beacons:
- Place the Beacon in a crafting-field
- Place a pair of these LinkedBeaconTeleporters in the world
- Walk over them
Known Issues:
- Trying to craft multiple items at once (e.g. shift-click) results in 1 set being ok, theothers being the default-recipe
- Because blocks are stored as-is this might block the world from unloading and the GarbageCollector not being able to correctly clear the block-data -> Could result in undesired & unhandled states (Chunk-Unloading should be unaffected)