# Webdav CSI driver for Kubernetes ### Overview This is a repository for webdav csi driver, csi plugin name: `webdav.csi.io`. This driver supports dynamic provisioning of Persistent Volumes via Persistent Volume Claims by creating a new sub directory under webdav server. ### Deploy CSI #### With Helm ```bash helm install -n webdav-csi-driver webdav-csi-driver helm/ ``` ### Quick start with kind #### Build plugin image ```bash make docker-build ``` #### Start kind cluster ```bash kind create cluster --image kindest/node:v1.27.3 ``` ### Load plugin image to kind cluster ```bash kind load docker-image registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-provisioner:v3.6.2 kind load docker-image registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/livenessprobe:v2.11.0 kind load docker-image registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-node-driver-registrar:v2.9.1 kind load docker-image localhost:5000/webdavplugin:v0.0.1 ``` ### Tests ```bash kubectl apply -f examples/csi-webdav-secret.yaml kubectl apply -f examples/csi-webdav-storageclass.yaml kubectl apply -f examples/csi-webdav-dynamic-pvc.yaml kubectl apply -f examples/csi-webdav-pod.yaml ```