Writing (mostly meta-) data received in Wireless-Monitor-Mode into an InfluxDB.
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Ruakij 1012001312 Implement env-var-checks 3 years ago
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Successful Associations, grouped by AP within 24h

Writing (mostly meta-) data received in Wireless-Monitor-Mode into an InfluxDB.

Table of contents

1. Description

This Program listens on an Wifi-Interface in Monitor-Mode (rfmon) and logs most actions made into an influx or influx-like time-database.

1.1. What kind of data

Any packet sent by a router or station nearby is received and its metadata is collected and categorised.

The host does not have to be part of that network.

1.2. Data-Usage

The data can be used to identify problems with the wifi-communication nearby e.g.

  • Wifi-Congestion at certain times of the day
  • occurring signal-issues
    • e.g. due to broken Microwave-Ovens disrupting communications
    • or moving big Objects (e.g. Machines) causing signal-reduction.

Aswell as gaining knowledge about installed routers and user interaction with them e.g.

  • in a company environment
    • Logging presense and activity of interconnected machines
    • Finding other Access-Points not allowed due to potential disruption of Production-Lines

Other usages might be threat-detection at Wifi-Level e.g.

  • Deauthentication-Attacks
  • Bruteforce-Attempts

1.3. Tools used

The program uses tcpdump for listening in a subProcess and then extract the metadata when packets arrive.

2. Usage/Installation

2.1. Prerequisites

The Wifi-Interface cannot be used elsewhere at the same time e.g. Network-Manager. (Packet-capture e.g. tcpdump or Wireshark is ok)

As of this version, the program does not set the interface into monitor mode or changes to channels.

2.1.1. Interface into Monitor-Mode (rfmon)

You can change into Monitor-mode beforehand with the packages net-tools and wireless-tools:

ifconfig <interface> down
iwconfig <interface> mode Monitor
ifconfig <interface> up

2.1.2. Set/Change channels

You can set the channel of the interface (if the interface allows this) with the package wireless-tools:

iw dev <interface> set channel <channelNumber>

2.2. Running with Docker

2.2.1. Permissions

The container must run as root, to have permission to listen on the wifi-interface.

2.2.2. docker run

Either run with docker directly.

docker run
  --restart unless-stopped 
  --network host
  -e WIFI_INTERFACE="<yourInterfaceName or leave empty for wlan0>"
  -e INFLUX_URL="http://influxdb:8086/"
  -e INFLUX_TOKEN="<yourToken>"
  -e INFLUX_ORG="<yourOrganisation>"
  -e INFLUX_BUCKET="<yourBucket>"

2.2.3. docker-compose

Or use the more preferred way with docker-compose.


version: '3'

    container_name: rfmon
    image: ruakij/rfmon-to-influx:2
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: "host"
      - WIFI_INTERFACE="<yourInterfaceName or leave empty for wlan0>"
      - INFLUX_URL="http://influxdb:8086/"
      - INFLUX_TOKEN="<yourToken>"
      - INFLUX_ORG="<yourOrganisation>"
      - INFLUX_BUCKET="<yourBucket>"

And then pull&start the container:

docker-compose up -d

2.3. Environment-Variables

2.3.1. Necessary

Variable Description
INFLUX_URL Url of influx-server
INFLUX_TOKEN Token with write-access
INFLUX_ORG Organisation and..
INFLUX_BUCKET Bucket to write into

2.3.2. Optional

Variable Default Description
WIFI_INTERFACE wlan0 Token with write-access
HOSTNAME Device's Hostname Hostname to use as global hostname-tag (Unused)

3. Data collected

8 Metrics are constructed with 6-10 tags identifying them.

3.1. Data-Types

Type Example Description
String Wlan -
Number 0 Any normal number, positive and negative
Boolean true true or false values
MAC 12:34:56:78:9A:BC Address for L2-networks

3.2. Metric-Overview

Name Type Description
rfmon_signal_dbm Number (-95 <> -20) Signal-Level of every Packet in dBm
rfmon_datarate_bytes Number (1 <> 144) Data-Rate of every Packet in MBit/s
rfmon_ssid_names String (Length: 0-32) SSIDs of any Packet containing it
rfmon_authenticationtype_info String Authentication-Type used by Sender
rfmon_associationsuccess_bools Boolean Result of an Association
rfmon_disassociationreason_info String Disconnect-Reason from a ST (not always sent)
rfmon_handshakestage_info Number (1 <> 4) Stage of a handshake (1 and 3 from ST, 2 and 4 from AP)

3.3. Metric-Details

3.3.1. rfmon_ssid_names

String (Length: 0-32)

SSIDs from ProbeRequest might be empty (probe for any) or in case of Beacon-Frames could be hidden.

3.3.2. rfmon_authenticationtype_info

String {OpenSystem_1, OpenSystem_2, Unknown}

3.4. Tag-Overview

Name Type Description
srcmac MAC Sender's MAC-Address (not present in ClearToSend-Packet)
dstmac MAC Destination's MAC-Address (not present in RequestToSend-Packet)
bssid MAC AP's MAC-Address
frequency Number Frequency the packet was captured on in MHz
packetType String Type of packet
flags_MoreFragments Boolean Packet is incomplete
flags_Retry " Packet is being retried
flags_PwrMgt " Sender will not sleep
flags_MoreData " More data in send-buffer to be expected
flags_Protected " Packet is protected
flags_Order " Packet is strictly ordered

3.5. Tag-Details

3.5.1. frequency

Number (2412 <> 2484)

The frequency corresponds to following wifi-channels:

Channel Frequency
1 2412
2 2417
3 2422
4 2427
5 2432
6 2437
7 2442
8 2447
9 2452
10 2457
11 2462
12 2467
13 2472
14 2484

See Wikipedia - List of WLAN channels - 2.4GHz for more Information.

3.5.2. packettype


Type Sender Description
Beacon AP Signal its presence and provide synchronisation for Stations
ProbeRequest ST Ask if certain RA/SSID is available
ProbeResponse AP Directly respond to Request and Signal own presence
Data Both Data-packets
RequestToSend ST Ask for transmission-time
ClearToSend RA Ack transmission-time
Acknowledgment Both Ack Data-Packets
BlockAcknowledgment Both Ack alot of Data-Packets at once
NoData Both Packet without content, typically used to transmit QoS-States
Authentication Both Authentication-process to establish identity and set states
AssociationRequest ST Register to AP
AssociationResponse AP Respond to registering
Disassociation ST Actively unregister e.g. to associate with different AP
Handshake Both 4-Way-EAPOL-Handshake to generate encryption-keys between participants
Unknown - Unknown packets not identified into above types

4. Screenshots

5. Potential Issues

5.1. Channel/Frequency

The System can only monitor one channel at a time which might not be enough cover, to combat this, more Interfaces and Systems can be deployed.

This is not entirely unproblematic, as the system cannot currently prevent packages from being inserted more than once.

5.2. Technology

Mismatches between sender and receiver-technologies (e.g. MIMO or HT) can cause packets not being logged at all. Though this should only be a problem for data-packets.

5.3. Data protection

Because the system collects any data, this can be problematic, specially in countries with strong data-protection laws.

A wifi MAC address is likely to be considered as information of an identifiable natural person, e.g. under GDPR Art.4 (1) and its processing may only be done with prior consent or has to be anonymised.

5.4. Ethical

The large-scale collection of data for behavioural or movement analysis, especially without consent of the data subject, is highly controversial.

Metadata that can be used to track precise activities, such as wifi data, is very powerful and should only be collected and used when necessary.

If this data falls into the hands of a malicious actor, more precise attacks on the targets could be carried out, such as break-insv, behaviour-based discrimination or more successful phishing.