recursivefilecmd == Execute a command on files with a specific extension recursively in a directory tree.
# 1. Overview ## 1.1. Usage ```sh ./ ```
### 1.1.1. Arguments - `extension`: The file extension to search for. - `path`: The root directory to start searching for files. - `command`: The command to execute on each file.
### 1.1.2. Examples ```sh ./ 'hcl' 'services/' nomad run -detach ``` ```sh ./ 'yaml' 'config/' kubectl apply -f ```
## 1.2. Behaviour The file-name including its path are added to the end of the given command. All files are executed in-sequence. When `path` is a file which matches the extension, only it is executed.
When the extension doesnt match, the directory is used instead, walking up up to 3 times, searching for files matching the extension.
# 2. Development ## 2.1. Features Maybe i'll add some more features, here a few i can think of: - [ ] Convert project to golang - [ ] Add options for optional things - [ ] Replace `extension`-filter with a regex-match - [ ] Make recursive optional - [ ] Parameterize passed-filepath (e.g. # for all & #1 for regex-group 1)