# SpawnerDrops Bukkit-Plugin for Spawner Place&Block configs. Can differenciate between generated and placed blocks by admins or users. Supports custom messages for all actions.
## Features - Who can break spawners from - World (Generated/Worldedit) - Admin (Placed by amdin) - Other players - When the block actually drops an item - Who can place spawners - Messages for each action of success/fail
## Usage 1. The break-prerequisite is the first stage and will determine if the spawner will break or not break at all. 2. Then the drop-prerequisite is checked and if met will actually drop the spawner as item.
## Setup 1. Place the plugin in your plugins folder and resatart the server 2. Set necessary and additional permissions if needed
### Permissions - **minecraft.nbt.place** has to be set for players to be able to place spawners (does not allow placing in protected zones) - **spawnerDrops.admin** to allow placing spawners as source "ADMIN"
## Examples ### 1 ```yaml break: break-prerequisite: UNKNOWN: canBreak: true allowed-items: - 'diamond_pickaxe' silktouch: false msg: success: '' fail: '§7§oNothing happens, it seems you need a diamond-pickaxe' # [..] drop: drop-prerequisite: UNKNOWN: canDrop: true allowed-items: null silktouch: false msg: success: '§7§oThe spawner breaks with a loud *Pop* and falls to the ground to be picked up' # As canDrop is true and allowed-items is every item, the fail-message is never used fail: '' # [..] ``` break-prerequisite is a diamond-pickaxe, but an iron-one is used, then the block **will not break**. drop-prerequisite is anything, including a diamond-pickaxe, then the **block will drop**.
### 2 ```yaml break: break-prerequisite: UNKNOWN: canBreak: true allowed-items: null silktouch: false msg: success: '' # As canBreak is true and allowed-items is every item, the fail-message is never used fail: '' # [..] drop: drop-prerequisite: UNKNOWN: canDrop: true allowed-items: - 'diamond_pickaxe' silktouch: false msg: success: '§7§oThe spawner breaks with a loud *Pop* and falls to the ground to be picked up' fail: '§7§o*Poof* The spawner breaks into many pieces and is lost' # [..] ``` break-prerequisite is anything, the block **will break** with any tool used. drop-prerequisite is a diamond-pickaxe, but an iron-one is used, then the item **will not drop**, but the **block will be broken** -> **spawner is lost**