def IMAGE_TAG = "" pipeline { agent { kubernetes { yaml """ apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: kaniko spec: containers: - name: kaniko image: imagePullPolicy: Always command: - /busybox/cat tty: true volumeMounts: - name: jenkins-docker-cfg mountPath: /kaniko/.docker volumes: - name: jenkins-docker-cfg projected: sources: - secret: name: docker-credentials items: - key: data path: config.json """ } } environment { IMAGE_PUSH_DESTINATION="" } stages { stage("Pre-build") { steps { script{ //checkout scm checkout([ $class: 'GitSCM', branches: scm.branches, doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: scm.doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations, extensions: scm.extensions + [[$class: 'CloneOption', noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: true]], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: scm.userRemoteConfigs ]) def version = sh (returnStdout: true, script: "git describe --tags --long --always $GIT_COMMIT").trim() def gitCommit = sh (returnStdout: true, script: "git rev-parse --short $GIT_COMMIT").trim() echo "Version: $version" echo "Git Commit: $gitCommit" IMAGE_TAG = "--destination $IMAGE_PUSH_DESTINATION:$gitCommit " if (GIT_BRANCH == "main") { IMAGE_TAG += "--destination $IMAGE_PUSH_DESTINATION:latest " if(version != gitCommit){ def parts = version.split('.') if(parts.size() > 0){ for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); i++) { def versionTag = parts[0..i].join(".") IMAGE_TAG += "--destination $IMAGE_PUSH_DESTINATION:$versionTag " } } } } else { IMAGE_TAG += "--destination $IMAGE_PUSH_DESTINATION:$GIT_BRANCH " if(version != gitCommit){ def parts = version.split('.') if(parts.size() > 0){ for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); i++) { def versionTag = parts[0..i].join(".") IMAGE_TAG += "--destination $IMAGE_PUSH_DESTINATION:$GIT_BRANCH-$versionTag " } } } } echo "Image-Tags: $IMAGE_TAG" } } } stage('Build with Kaniko') { steps { container(name: 'kaniko', shell: '/busybox/sh') { withEnv(['PATH+EXTRA=/busybox', "IMAGE_TAG=$IMAGE_TAG"]) { // Use the image tag variable as part of the image name when you build and push the image with kaniko sh '''#!/busybox/sh /kaniko/executor --context `pwd` --force $IMAGE_TAG ''' } } } } } }