/// Will automatically spawn <paramref name="min"/> items<para/>
/// Will check health of items with method <paramref name="healthChecker"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min">The minimum amount of items in the pool</param>
/// <param name="max">The maximum amount of items in the pool</param>
/// <param name="batch">Amount if items being spawned at a time if needed</param>
/// <param name="increaseBuffer">If less items are in the pool than the <paramref name="increaseBuffer"/>, it will spawn <paramref name="batch"/>-amount</param>
/// <param name="decreaseBuffer">If more items are in the pool than the <paramref name="decreaseBuffer"/>, it will delete/kill the overflowing items</param>
/// <param name="creator">Method to handle item-spawning (needs to return the item-type)</param>
/// <param name="destructor">Method to handle item-deleting/killing (needs to take the item-type as parameter)</param>
/// <param name="healthChecker">Method to handle item-health-checking (useful for unstable items)
/// <para/>While running the health-check, the Thread will be blocked!</param>