Changed constructor to create from itself.

Added region for attribute declaration.
Removed todo.
Set getItem() to private.
Railz 6 years ago
parent 98c732f6ee
commit b242795104

@ -7,22 +7,24 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace eu.railduction.netcore.dll.ManagedPool
public class Pool<T> where T : class
private ConcurrentStack<T> pool = new ConcurrentStack<T>();
private int current = 0, max = 100, min = 10, batch = 5, increaseBuffer = 5, decreaseBuffer = 10;
private Func<T> creator;
private Action<T> destructor;
private Func<T, bool> healthChecker = (T) => { return true; };
#region Attribute declaration
/// <summary>Method to handle item-spawning (needs to return the item-type)</summary>
public Func<T> Creator { get => creator; set => creator = value; }
private Func<T, bool> healthChecker = (T) => { return true; };
/// <summary>Method to handle item-health-checking (useful for unstable items)
/// <para/>While running the health-check, the Thread will be blocked!</summary>
public Func<T, bool> HealthChecker { get => healthChecker; set => healthChecker = value; }
private Action<T> destructor;
/// <summary>Method to handle item-deleting/killing (needs to take the item-type as parameter)</summary>
public Action<T> Destructor { get => destructor; set => destructor = value; }
private ConcurrentStack<T> pool = new ConcurrentStack<T>();
private int current = 0, max = 100, min = 10, batch = 5, increaseBuffer = 5, decreaseBuffer = 10;
/// <summary>Method to handle item-health-checking (useful for unstable items)
/// <para/>While running the health-check, the Thread will be blocked!</summary>
public Func<T, bool> HealthChecker { get => healthChecker; set => healthChecker = value; }
/// <summary>The current amount of items in the pool</summary>
public int Current { get => min; }
@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ namespace eu.railduction.netcore.dll.ManagedPool
public int IncreaseBuffer { get => increaseBuffer; set => increaseBuffer = value; }
/// <summary>If more items are in the pool that the buffer, it will delete/kill the overflowing items</summary>
public int DecreaseBuffer { get => decreaseBuffer; set => decreaseBuffer = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a managed pool<para/>
@ -69,37 +72,12 @@ namespace eu.railduction.netcore.dll.ManagedPool
Task.Run(() => createNewObjects(min));
/// <summary>
/// Creates a managed pool<para/>
/// Will automatically spawn <paramref name="min"/> items<para/>
/// The health-check is run before an item is used for execution
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min">The minimum amount of items in the pool</param>
/// <param name="max">The maximum amount of items in the pool</param>
/// <param name="batch">Amount if items being spawned at a time if needed</param>
/// <param name="increaseBuffer">If less items are in the pool than the <paramref name="increaseBuffer"/>, it will spawn <paramref name="batch"/>-amount</param>
/// <param name="decreaseBuffer">If more items are in the pool than the <paramref name="decreaseBuffer"/>, it will delete/kill the overflowing items</param>
/// <param name="creator">Method to handle item-spawning</param>
/// <param name="destructor">Method to handle item-deleting/killing</param>
/// <param name="healthChecker">Method to handle item-health-checking (useful for unstable items)
/// <para/>While running the health-check, the Thread will be blocked!</param>
public Pool(int min, int max, int batch, int increaseBuffer, int decreaseBuffer, Func<T> creator, Action<T> destructor, Func<T, bool> healthChecker)
:this(min, max, batch, increaseBuffer, decreaseBuffer, creator, destructor)
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.batch = batch;
this.increaseBuffer = increaseBuffer;
this.decreaseBuffer = decreaseBuffer;
// Validate objects state
this.creator = creator;
this.destructor = destructor;
this.healthChecker = healthChecker;
// Create the minimum amount of objects
Task.Run(() => createNewObjects(min));
private void validate()
@ -111,12 +89,7 @@ namespace eu.railduction.netcore.dll.ManagedPool
if (decreaseBuffer <= 0) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid parameter decreaseBuffer='{decreaseBuffer}'. Must be at least '1'!");
/// <summary>
/// Will try to get an avaible item out of the pool
/// If there is no item avaible, this function will block the thread and retry
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The item</returns>
public T getItem()
private T getItem()
T item;
@ -156,9 +129,6 @@ namespace eu.railduction.netcore.dll.ManagedPool
// Todo [HIGHER]: Add function to put item back into the pool
// Check if item was created by pool, reject otherwise
private void createNewObjects(int size)
// create 'size'-amount of items, as long we dont hit our maximum
