@ -43,6 +43,14 @@ public class LinkedBeaconTeleporterItem extends LinkedBeaconTeleporter {
public LinkedBeaconTeleporterBlock place(BlockPlaceEvent e){
// Deny placing when 2 LinkedBeaconTeleporter's are already placed
if(this.linkedBeaconTeleporters.size() == 2){
e.getPlayer().sendMessage("§cMaximum-Amount §7(2) §cof §6LinkedBeaconTeleporters §cwith id §7"+ this.teleporterId +" §care already placed");
return null;
Block block = e.getBlock();
Location loc = block.getLocation();
@ -61,6 +69,19 @@ public class LinkedBeaconTeleporterItem extends LinkedBeaconTeleporter {
// Notify Player when no other teleporter was found (yet?)
if(this.linkedBeaconTeleporters.size() == 2){
e.getPlayer().sendMessage("§6No other Teleporter found with with id §7"+ this.teleporterId);
// Notify Player when we have a full link
else if(this.linkedBeaconTeleporters.size() == 2){
e.getPlayer().sendMessage("§aConnected to Teleporter with id §7"+ this.teleporterId +" §e("+
+" Blocks away)");
return lbtBlock;