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footer "LTDFS | Ruakij"
header "Local\nNot Owner"
title "Open Read&Write"
participant Client
control SiteA
boundary SiteB
boundary "Other Sites" as Others
Client -> SiteA ++ : Open [rw]
SiteA -> SiteA : Check owner
alt SiteB is owner
SiteA -> SiteA : Check availablility
alt File is locally available
SiteA -> SiteB ++ : Transfer ownership
SiteB -> SiteB : Lock file
alt Already locked
SiteB --> SiteA : File is locked
SiteA --> Client : File is locked
else Locked
SiteB ->> Others : File locked &\nOwnership changed
note left
Distribute Info
about Lock & Ownership
end note
SiteB --> SiteA -- : Ready
SiteA --> Client -- : File opened