* geigerzaehler.c
* Created : 28.02.2019 09:07:22
* Author : John Ditgens, Alexander Brandscheidt
* Git-Repository : https://gitea.Railduction.eu/JohnD/Geigerzaehler.git
* MController : AtMega328P
* Board : Arduino Nano
#define F_CPU 16000000UL // Clock speed: 16 MHz - Speed from onboard oscillator
// Imports
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// Global variable declaration
uint16_t boost_frequency = 2000; // 2kHz frequency
uint8_t boost_enable = 0;
uint8_t boost_highVoltage_nextHigh = 1;
clock_t boost_highVoltage_nextTick = 0;
// Todo [CRITICAL]: Clock does not exist! Use timer.
uint8_t signalOutput_enable = 0;
uint8_t signalOutput_nextHigh = 1;
clock_t signalOutput_nextTick = 0;
int main()
// Inputs
DDRD &= (0 << PORTD2); // Activate input PD2
DDRD &= (0 << PORTD3); // Activate input PD3
//PORTD |= (1 << PORTD2); // Enable pull-up-resistor D2
//PORTD |= (1 << PORTD3); // Enable pull-up-resistor D3
// Todo [CRITICAL]: External pull-down resistors 10kOhm
// Outputs
DDRD |= (1 << PORTD4);
DDRD |= (1 << PORTD5);
DDRD |= (1 << PORTD6);
// Interrupt for INT0 Pin-D2 High-voltage check
EICRA |= (0 << ISC01)|(1 << ISC00); // On at any edge [Code: 01]
EIMSK |= (1 << INT0); // Activate Interrupt INT0
// Interrupt for INT1 Pin-D3 Counter-click
EICRA |= (1 << ISC11)|(1 << ISC10); // On rising edge [Code: 11]
EIMSK |= (1 <<INT1); // Activate Interrupt INT1
sei(); // Activate global interrupts
// Endless loop
while (1)
// HighVoltage boosting
if(boost_enable == 1)
if(clock() >= boost_highVoltage_nextTick) // If we are on or after the tick it should be executed
// Set pin according to next exec
if(boost_highVoltage_nextHigh == 1) // Set it high
PORTD |= (1 << PORTD4);
boost_highVoltage_nextHigh = 0; // Next is low
else // Set it low
PORTD |= (0 << PORTD4);
boost_highVoltage_nextHigh = 1; // Next is high
// Calculate when next high/low should be set
boost_highVoltage_nextTick = clock() + F_CPU * 1/(boost_frequency/2); // Half of time it should be high/low
if(boost_highVoltage_nextTick > 0) // If boosting is deactivated, but the nextTick was not reset yet
// Reset boost-state
PORTD |= (0 << PORTD4);
boost_highVoltage_nextHigh = 1;
boost_highVoltage_nextTick = 0;
// Signal output
if(clock() >= signalOutput_nextTick) // If we are on or after the tick it should be executed
// Set pin according to next exec
if(signalOutput_nextHigh == 1) // Set it high
PORTD |= (1 << PORTD5);
PORTD |= (1 << PORTD6);
signalOutput_nextHigh = 0; // Next is low
else // Set it low
PORTD |= (0 << PORTD5);
PORTD |= (0 << PORTD6);
signalOutput_nextHigh = 1; // Next is high
signalOutput_enable = 0; // Disable signalOutput
// When the signal should stop
signalOutput_nextTick = clock() + F_CPU * 0.2; // nextTick is in 0.2s
* Interrupt-handler
* ISR - Interrupt service routine
// Address: 0x001 INT0 - On any edge [Code: 01]
// Handles: Over/Below working voltage
if(!(PIND & (1 << PORTD2))) // Falling edge
// Below ~400V, activate booster
boost_enable = 1;
else // Rising edge
// Reached ~400V, deactivate booster
boost_enable = 0;
reti(); // Exit interrupt-handler
// Address: 0x002 INT1 - On rising edge [Code: 11]
// Handles: Counter tube "tick"
// Tick detected, signalOutput
signalOutput_enable = 1;
// Execute immediately
signalOutput_nextTick = 0;
reti(); // Exit interrupt-handler