@ -8,6 +8,29 @@ namespace eu.railduction.netcore.dll.Database_Attribute_System
public class ClassAction
private static List < Type > initiatedClassTypes = new List < Type > ( ) { } ;
/// <summary>
/// Initiates the attribute-system and preloads all necessary information<para/>
/// INFO: Will initiate necessary foreignObjects recursively!<para/>
/// If an class is already initiated, it will be ignored!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="classType">The classType to preload</param>
/// <returns>DbObject-attribute corresponding to the class</returns>
public static DbObject Init ( Type classType )
// Check if given class is marked as dbObject
if ( ! ( classType . GetCustomAttribute ( typeof ( DbObject ) , true ) is DbObject dbObject ) ) throw new InvalidOperationException ( $"Cannot init '{classType.Name}'. Missing Attribute 'DbObject'" ) ;
if ( ! initiatedClassTypes . Contains ( classType ) )
dbObject . Init ( classType ) ; // Init dbObject
initiatedClassTypes . Add ( classType ) ; // Set it to the list
return dbObject ;
/// <summary>
/// Fills an given dbObject with given data<para/>
/// Data-attribute-names and class-fieldNames have to match! (non case-sensitive)
@ -16,55 +39,23 @@ namespace eu.railduction.netcore.dll.Database_Attribute_System
/// <param name="classObject">Given object (marked with Db-attributes)</param>
/// <param name="data">The data</param>
/// <param name="runDataLossChecks">This checks if any class-field and data-attribute does not exists in either (Slower)</param>
public static void FillObject < T > ( T classObject , Dictionary < string , object > data , bool runDataLossChecks = true )
public static void FillObject < T > ( T classObject , Dictionary < string , object > data )
Type classType = classObject . GetType ( ) ;
string tableName = Function . GetDbTableName ( classType ) ;
// Get class-fields
Dictionary < string , FieldInfo > dbFields = Function . ReadDbClassFields ( classType ) ;
if ( runDataLossChecks )
// Check every data-attribute for match in class-fields
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , object > data_keySet in data )
bool isFound = false ;
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , FieldInfo > field_keySet in dbFields )
if ( field_keySet . Key . ToLower ( ) = = data_keySet . Key . ToLower ( ) )
isFound = true ;
if ( ! isFound )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( $"Could not fill object. Data-Attribute '{data_keySet.Key}' was not found in class!" ) ;
// Check every class-field for match in data-attributes
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , FieldInfo > field_keySet in dbFields )
bool isFound = false ;
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , object > data_keySet in data )
if ( field_keySet . Key . ToLower ( ) = = data_keySet . Key . ToLower ( ) )
isFound = true ;
if ( ! isFound )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( $"Could not fill object. Class-field '{field_keySet.Key}' was not found in data!" ) ;
// Read dbObject-attribute
DbObject dbObject = ClassAction . Init ( classType ) ;
// Iterate through data
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , object > data_keySet in data )
// Interate through class-fields
foreach ( KeyValuePair< string , FieldInfo > field_keySet in dbField s)
foreach ( BaseAttribute baseAttribute in dbObject . baseAttributes )
// If its a match, set the value
if ( field_keySet. Key . ToLower ( ) = = data_keySet . Key . ToLower ( ) )
if ( baseAttribute . _attributeName . ToLower ( ) = = data_keySet . Key . ToLower ( ) )
field_keySet. Value . SetValue ( classObject , data_keySet . Value ) ;
baseAttribute . parentField . SetValue ( classObject , data_keySet . Value ) ;
break ;
@ -79,57 +70,54 @@ namespace eu.railduction.netcore.dll.Database_Attribute_System
/// <param name="classObject">Given object (marked with Db-attributes)</param>
/// <param name="queryExecutor">Function to handle query-calls - Has to return Dictionary[attributeName, attributeValue]</param>
/// <param name="runDataLossChecks">This checks if any class-field and data-attribute does not exists in either (Slower)</param>
public static T GetByPrimaryKey < T > ( Type classType , object primaryKeyValue , Func < string , List < Dictionary < string , object > > > queryExecutor , bool runDataLossChecks = true ) where T : new ( )
public static T GetByPrimaryKey < T > ( Type classType , object primaryKeyValue , Func < string , List < Dictionary < string , object > > > queryExecutor ) where T : new ( )
Dictionary < string , object > primaryKeyData = new Dictionary < string , object > ( ) { } ;
primaryKeyData . Add ( null , primaryKeyValue ) ;
return GetByPrimaryKey < T > ( classType , primaryKeyData , queryExecutor , runDataLossChecks );
return GetByPrimaryKey < T > ( classType , primaryKeyData , queryExecutor );
public static T GetByPrimaryKey < T > ( Type classType , string primaryKeyName , object primaryKeyValue , Func < string , List < Dictionary < string , object > > > queryExecutor , bool runDataLossChecks = true ) where T : new ( )
public static T GetByPrimaryKey < T > ( Type classType , string primaryKeyName , object primaryKeyValue , Func < string , List < Dictionary < string , object > > > queryExecutor ) where T : new ( )
Dictionary < string , object > primaryKeyData = new Dictionary < string , object > ( ) { } ;
primaryKeyData . Add ( primaryKeyName , primaryKeyValue ) ;
return GetByPrimaryKey < T > ( classType , primaryKeyData , queryExecutor , runDataLossChecks );
return GetByPrimaryKey < T > ( classType , primaryKeyData , queryExecutor );
public static T GetByPrimaryKey < T > ( Type classType , Dictionary < string , object > primaryKeyData , Func < string , List < Dictionary < string , object > > > queryExecutor , bool runDataLossChecks = true ) where T : new ( )
public static T GetByPrimaryKey < T > ( Type classType , Dictionary < string , object > primaryKeyData , Func < string , List < Dictionary < string , object > > > queryExecutor ) where T : new ( )
// Create new empty object
T obj = new T ( ) ;
// Read all fields
Dictionary < string , FieldInfo > dbFields = Function . ReadDbClassFields ( classType ) ;
// Read dbObject-attribute
DbObject dbObject = ClassAction . Init ( classType ) ;
// iterate thru them to check and fill object
foreach ( KeyValuePair< string , FieldInfo > field in dbField s)
foreach ( DbPrimaryKey primaryKeyAtt in dbObject . primaryKeyAttribute s)
// primaryKeys
if ( field . Value . GetCustomAttribute ( typeof ( DbPrimaryKey ) , true ) is DbPrimaryKey pkey )
bool dataMatchFound = false ;
bool dataMatchFound = false ;
// Now search the corresponding primaryKeyData
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , object > primaryKey in primaryKeyData )
// Now search the corresponding primaryKeyData
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , object > primaryKey in primaryKeyData )
// primaryKey matches
if ( primaryKeyAtt . _attributeName . ToLower ( ) = = primaryKey . Key . ToLower ( ) )
// primaryKey matches
if ( field . Value . Name . ToLower ( ) = = primaryKey . Key . ToLower ( ) )
// Set data
field . Value . SetValue ( obj , primaryKey . Value ) ;
dataMatchFound = true ;
break ;
// Set data
primaryKeyAtt . parentField . SetValue ( obj , primaryKey . Value ) ;
// If no data was found matching this field
if ( ! dataMatchFound ) throw new InvalidOperationException ( $"Cannot create object with primaryKeyData. No data assigned to field '{field.Value.Name}'" ) ;
dataMatchFound = true ;
break ;
// If no data was found matching this field
if ( ! dataMatchFound ) throw new InvalidOperationException ( $"Cannot create object with primaryKeyData. No data assigned to field '{primaryKeyAtt.parentField.Name}'" ) ;
string query = QueryBuilder . SelectByPrimaryKey ( obj ) ; // Generate query
List < Dictionary < string , object > > dataSet = queryExecutor ( query ) ; // Execute
FillObject ( obj , dataSet [ 0 ] , runDataLossChecks ); // Fill the object
FillObject ( obj , dataSet [ 0 ] ); // Fill the object
return obj ;
@ -142,21 +130,22 @@ namespace eu.railduction.netcore.dll.Database_Attribute_System
/// <param name="fields">class-fields for select</param>
/// <param name="queryExecutor">Function to handle query-calls - Has to return Dictionary[attributeName, attributeValue]</param>
/// <param name="runDataLossChecks">This checks if any class-field and data-attribute does not exists in either (Slower)</param>
/// <returns> </returns>
public static List < T > GetListByAttribute < T > ( Type classType , Dictionary < string , object > fields , Func < string , List < Dictionary < string , object > > > queryExecutor , bool runDataLossChecks = true ) where T : new ( )
/// <returns> List of dbObjects </returns>
public static List < T > GetListByAttribute < T > ( Type classType , Dictionary < string , object > fields , Func < string , List < Dictionary < string , object > > > queryExecutor ) where T : new ( )
string tableName = Function . GetDbTableName ( classType ) ; // Get database-tableName
// Read dbObject-attribute
DbObject dbObject = ClassAction . Init ( classType ) ;
Function . ConvertAttributeToDbAttributes ( classType , fields ) ;
string query = QueryBuilder . SelectByAttribute ( tableName, fields ) ; // Generate query
string query = QueryBuilder . SelectByAttribute ( dbObject. _ tableName, fields ) ; // Generate query
List < Dictionary < string , object > > dataSet = queryExecutor ( query ) ; // Execute
List < T > objs = new List < T > ( ) { } ;
foreach ( Dictionary < string , object > data in dataSet )
T obj = new T ( ) ; // New object
FillObject ( obj , data , runDataLossChecks ); // Fill it
FillObject ( obj , data ); // Fill it
objs . Add ( obj ) ; // Add to list
@ -174,32 +163,27 @@ namespace eu.railduction.netcore.dll.Database_Attribute_System
/// <param name="queryExecutor">Function to handle query-calls - Has to return Dictionary[attributeName, attributeValue]</param>
/// <param name="max_depth">Determents how deep resolving will be executed</param>
/// <param name="runDataLossChecks">This checks if any class-field and data-attribute does not exists in either (Slower)</param>
public static void ResolveForeignKeys < T > ( T classObject , Func < string , List < Dictionary < string , object > > > queryExecutor , int max_depth = 1 , bool runDataLossChecks = true ) where T : new ( )
public static void ResolveForeignKeys < T > ( T classObject , Func < string , List < Dictionary < string , object > > > queryExecutor , int max_depth = 1 ) where T : new ( )
Type classType = classObject . GetType ( ) ;
// Get class-fields
D ictionary< string , FieldInfo > dbFields = Function . ReadDbClassFields ( classType ) ;
// Read dbObject-attribute
D bObject dbObject = ClassAction . Init ( classType ) ;
foreach ( KeyValuePair< string , FieldInfo > dbField in dbField s)
foreach ( DbForeignObject foreignObjectAtt in dbObject . foreignObjectAttribute s)
// If field is foreignKey
if ( dbField . Value . GetCustomAttribute ( typeof ( DbForeignKey ) , true ) is DbForeignKey fkey )
FieldInfo f_Field = fkey . _foreignKeyField ;
object f_value = f_Field . GetValue ( classObject ) ;
object foreignObject_value = foreignObjectAtt . parentField . GetValue ( classObject ) ;
// When its empty, get it
if ( f _value = = null )
f _value = GetByPrimaryKey < T > ( classType , f _value, queryExecutor , runDataLossChecks ) ; ;
// When its empty, get it
if ( foreignObject_value = = null )
f oreignObject _value = GetByPrimaryKey < T > ( classType , f oreignObjectAtt. foreignKeyAttribute . parentField . GetValue ( classObject ) , queryExecutor ) ; ;
// Recursive resolving
if ( max_depth - 1 > 0 )
ResolveForeignKeys ( f_value , queryExecutor , max_depth - 1 , runDataLossChecks ) ;
// Recursive resolving
if ( max_depth - 1 > 0 )
ResolveForeignKeys ( foreignObject_value , queryExecutor , max_depth - 1 ) ;