@ -32,14 +32,31 @@ namespace eu.railduction.netcore.dll.Database_Attribute_System.Attributes
this . classAttribute = classAttribute ;
this . foreignObjectType = fi . FieldType ;
// Init foreign-object class
DbObject foreignClassAttribute = ClassAction . Init ( this . foreignObjectType ) ;
if ( classAttribute . primaryKeyAttributes . Count < 1 ) throw new InvalidOperationException ( $"'{classAttribute.parentClassType.Name}' does not have a primaryKey." ) ;
if ( classAttribute . primaryKeyAttributes . Count > 1 ) throw new InvalidOperationException ( $"ReverseForeignObject does not support multiple primaryKeys." ) ;
// Get primaryKey name if none is set
if ( _foreignKeyName = = null ) _foreignKeyName = classAttribute . primaryKeyAttributes [ 0 ] . _attributeName ;
// If its a List, get inner type
if ( ! ( fi . FieldType . IsGenericType & & ( fi . FieldType . GetGenericTypeDefinition ( ) = = typeof ( List < > ) ) ) )
// Check the generic list and get inner-type
foreach ( Type interfaceType in fi . FieldType . GetInterfaces ( ) )
if ( interfaceType . IsGenericType & &
interfaceType . GetGenericTypeDefinition ( )
= = typeof ( IList < > ) )
foreignObjectType = fi . FieldType . GetGenericArguments ( ) [ 0 ] ;
break ;
if ( foreignObjectType = = null ) throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Could not read innter-type of generic-list!" ) ;
// Init inner-type class
DbObject foreignClassAttribute = ClassAction . Init ( foreignObjectType ) ;
// Check if my primary-key is set in the foreign-class as foreignKey
DbPrimaryKey primaryKey = classAttribute . primaryKeyAttributes [ 0 ] ;
foreach ( DbForeignKey foreignKey in foreignClassAttribute . foreignKeyAttributes )