--- kubernetes: ipPool: ipv4: # Minimum: /24 cluster_cidr: service_cidr: ipv6: # Minimum: /120 cluster_cidr: fd42::/56 service_cidr: fd43::/112 # Interface to grab node-IPv4/v6 from nodeIp_interface: control_plane: dns_name: token: network: # One of [flannel, calico] plugin: calico # Helper for networking helper: # https://github.com/Ruakij/RoutingTableToWg # Translates received-routes from e.g. BGP to wireguard-allowedips # Helpful, when nodeIp_interface is a wireguard-interface routingtabletowg: false # One of [traefik-ingress] ingress_controller: traefik-ingress config_extra: # etcd-tuning # heartbeat: 0.5-1.5x of rtt # election: 10x- of heartbeat etcd-arg: heartbeat-interval: 500 election-timeout: 5000